In 2016 the governement tried to take away our abiltiy to use a very Natural Tree Leaf as alternative medication. This leaf has saved many lives, and made many peoples lives much better, my mothers and my own included. PLEASE take the time to fill this out to not only keep MILLIONS OFF of pharmasuticals but also keep me in business and my Mommy mobile! – Its helped my mom to ease the pain from degenatrive arthrisis for 4 years now.
If they take away this portion of my business + what they are trying to do with D8, I will not be able to afford to stay in business. There are people who need these things for their heath, to stay off street drugs, to stay sane… This is small but they are asking for public opinoin so lets give it to them. ONLY USE NICE WORD AND SPEAK FROM YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES – NO TRASH TALKING THE GOVERNMENT, FDA OR ANYTHING ELSE> THAT WILL MAKE THINGS WORSE.