Friday the 13th Sale
Friday the 13th Sale! TODAY AND TOMORROW. Don’t miss it! EVERYTHING is 15% OFF! CBD etc is located at 1322 Hustonville Rd in Danville KY or you can shop online at use promo code “Friday13” – everything is shipped free due to payment processor being down online (must use vemo or cc over the…
Open today until 4pm 12/9/19
We decided to open today and will behere until 4pm come on in and finish that Christmas shopping or make it more barrable for yourself!
Online credit card processing issues, Free delivery until it’s fixed!
Our online credit card processing is unfortunately shut down at the moment. We can still accept vemo or payments over the phone. When ordering online just click pay upon delivery and we will give you a call for payment information. Or, you do have the option of calling in your order. We appologize for the…
Small Business Saturday 9a-1p 25% OFF!
We are only here from 9a-1p today for Small business Saturday! We have 25% off everything. You can use coupon code “turkeyday” to order online Untill midnight! Thank you for your business!

Get up to 25% off our already low prices for Black Friday and Small business Saturday starting now by using Coupon code “Turkeyday” or come in and shop in store at 1322 Hustonville Rd in Danville, KY!
$50 Gift Baskets
We have several $50 gift baskets made up for the holiday season. Weather you are shopping for a Christmas gift, Anniversary present, a Birthday present, or your just trying to get out of the doghouse, these gift baskets are packed with love!